Herrera-Bennett, Arianne (2019): How do researchers evaluate statistical evidence when drawing inferences from data?. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Psychologie und Pädagogik
Dorfner, Tobias (2019): Instructional quality features in biology instruction and their orchestration in the form of a lesson planning model. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie
Becker, Sandra (2017): Situating emotions in the context of mathematics: a multi-method approach to investigate the functions of emotions in the process of learning. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Psychologie und Pädagogik
Alqassab, Maryam (2017): Peer feedback provision and mathematical proofs: Role of domain knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, epistemic emotions, and peer feedback content. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Psychologie und Pädagogik