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Hochschulschrift(en), die von Grothe, Benedikt begutachtet wurde(n)

Anzahl der Einträge: 55.

Monte Bauer, Amanda (2023): Basis of the vocal communication in hummingbirds. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Stancu, Mihai (2023): Adaptive traits for temporal coding in the auditory brainstem. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Häusl, Alexander (2022): The tissue-specific action of FKBP51 in the regulation of the acute stress response and metabolism. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Bauer, Amelie (2021): Profiling of target molecules of human astrocytes for selective transduction by the Adeno-associated virus variant AAV9P1. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Gross, Isa-Maria (2021): Combined behavioral and neural investigations of pup retrieval: a neural code for pup call representations in the mouse auditory cortex. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Biller, Anna Magdalena (2021): Of teenage owls and early school: longitudinal effects of delayed and flexible school start times on sleep, psychological benefits, and academic performance. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Lopes Amaro, Diana Inês (2021): Neuronal representation of sound source location in the auditory cortex during active navigation. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Rajaram, Ezhilarasan (2021): Activity-dependent plasticity in the mouse superior paraolivary nucleus. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Eugenin von Bernhardi, Jaime (2020): Physical activity heterogenously modulates NG2-glia population behavior, and is necessary for cognitive enhancement. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Götz, Stefanie (2019): Electrophysiological characterisation and expression pattern of ion channels in astrocytes before and after traumatic brain injury. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Weiler, Simon (2018): Integrated circuit analysis of the mouse visual system. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Kunze, Christine (2017): Strategien zur Inhibierung der HIV-Reaktiverung in latent infizierten Astrozyten. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Popovic, David (2017): Entwicklung eines „chronic social defeat“-Modells in Drosophila melanogaster. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät

Franzen, Delwen L. (2017): Developmental refinements in temporally precise auditory brainstem circuits. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Gleiss, Sarah (2017): Structure-function relationships in the auditory brainstem. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Berger, Christina (2017): Influence of development, tonotopy and hearing disorders on the biophysical properties of auditory brainstem neurons. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Keplinger, Stefan Florian (2016): Establishing optogenetic tools in the auditory system of the Mongolian Gerbil. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Quispe Valdes, Rene (2016): Environmental and neuroendocrine control of seasonal phenotypes and song behavior of an equatorial songbird. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Lehnert, Simon (2015): Biophysical principles underlying binaural coincidence detection: computational approaches. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Wasmer, Benjamin (2015): Hormonsensitive molekulare Mechanismen der Entwicklung des Gesangssystems. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Labermaier, Christiana (2015): Identification of novel candidate genes involved in individual antidepressant treatment response. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Hartmann, Jakob (2014): FKBP51 at the interface of stress and psychiatric disorders. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Li, Hui (2014): Experiments on the dynamics of attention: Perception of visual rhythm and the time course of inhibition of return in the visual field. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät

Grammel, Daniel (2014): Heterogenität humaner SHH-assoziierter Medulloblastome: Identifizierung möglicher Ursprungszellen und der Einfluss von CBP-Mutationen auf die Pathogenese. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Kress, Sigrid (2014): The neuronal basis of zebrafish olfactory imprinting: evaluation of activity markers and characterization of the primary olfactory system with calcium-binding protein expression. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Trattner, Barbara (2013): Endocannabinoid modulation and metabolic maturation in the superior olivary complex. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Ammer, Julian (2013): Development and physiology of signal integration in the DNLL. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Poot, Hanneke (2013): So happy together: Social behaviour & song learning in Zebra finches. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Kreile, Anne Kristina (2012): Plasticity of neuronal response properties in mouse visual cortex assessed with two-photon calcium imaging. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Stahl, Ronny (2012): Identification and functional analysis of Trnp1: a novel DNA associated protein with a key role in neurogenesis. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Marschalek, Adriane (2011): IRES elements: a new tool for regulation of gene expression of rabies virus. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Leinweber, Marcus (2010): Development of orientation preference maps in ferret visual cortex. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Plendl, Wolfgang (2010): Extinction learning in mice. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Haßfurth, Benjamin (2010): ACTIVITY-DEPENDENT CHANGES IN A NEURONAL CIRCUIT IMPORTANT FOR SOUND LOCALIZATION. Dissertation, LMU München: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)

Leiss, Florian (2009): Dendritic spines and structural plasticity in Drosophila. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Elyada, Yishai Michael (2009): Intracellular processing of motion information in a network of blowfly visual interneurons. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Mann, Miriam (2009): Developmental function of PirB restricts adult ocular dominance plasticity. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Siebert, Silvana (2009): Neuronale Kontrolle von Echoortungs- und Kommunikationslauten bei der Fledermaus Phyllostomus discolor: selektive Ausschaltung des periaquädukten Graus und des Nucleus des Brachiums des Colliculus inferior.. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Pfanzelt, Sandra (2009): Differential Dynamic Signal Processing in Frog Vestibular Neurons. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Kantermann, Thomas (2008): Challenging the human circadian clock by Daylight Saving Time and Shift-Work. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Rothenaigner, Ina (2008): HIV-1 Persistenz in humanen neuralen Progenitorpopulationen. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Goerlitz, Holger R. (2008): Perceptual strategies in active and passive hearing of neotropical bats. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Maack, Nina (2008): 3D Reconstruction of Neural Circuits from Serial EM Images. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Genzel, Daria (2008): Dynamic Echo Analysis In Echo Imaging. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Rémi, Jan (2007): The circadian surface of Neuospora crassa - From physiology to molecular mechanisms. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät

Lang, Susanne (2007): Imaging brain-derived neurotrophic factor-mediated calcium signaling and plasticity in developing neurons. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Flanagin, Virginia (2006): Dynamic Adaptation in Fly Motion Vision. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Hofer, Sonja (2006): Imaging development and plasticity in the mouse visual system. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Reiter, Bettina (2006): Temporal and spatial receptive field characteristics of tectal neurons in zebrafish larvae. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Wieser, Alexandra (2005): Geruchliche Sinnesleistungen und ökologische Nischen: Vergleichende verhaltensphysiologische Untersuchungen zur geruchlichen Sensitivität von Totenkopfaffen (Saimiri sciureus) und Schweinsaffen (Macaca nemestrina). Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Eberhorn, Nicola (2005): Functional and Morphological Plasticity of Dendritic Spines in the Hippocampus. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Hauck, Stefanie (2005): Neuroprotective pathways in the retina: Analysis of GDNF-mediated signalling in retinal Mueller glial cells (RMG) and screening for RMG-derived neurotrophic factors. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Hack, Michael Anton (2005): Molecular Fate Determinants in Embryonic and Adult Neural Stem Cells. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Grau, Benjamin (2005): Einfluss purinerger Substanzen auf das Wachstum sensorischer Neurone. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

Fonseca, Rosalina (2004): Remembering makes memories fragile: The cellular basis of reconsolidation. Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Biologie

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