Pourtoulidou, Despoina (2024): Self-regulated strategies of employees toward learning: leveling the talent demands of aerospace companies and the learning needs of new employees. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Windisch, Liane (2024): Effects of project-based learning on entrepreneurship intention and its antecedents: a mixed-method approach. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Youssef, Rizkallah (2022): Dropping out in an Irish and German schooling system: comparison, interviews and recommendations. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Herrmann, Sonja (2021): Private Hochschulen in Deutschland: eine Bestandsaufnahme deutscher Privathochschulen und empirische Vergleichsanalysen zwischen Studierenden privater und staatlicher Hochschulen. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences