Fischer, Moritz Valentin (2022): Personality and whistleblowing: theory, methodology, and some empirical evidence. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Gammel, Josef Heribert (2020): Leading followers and teams in innovation processes: an empirical investigation and extension of ambidextrous leadership. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Pfaffinger, Katharina (2020): Changing forms of stress as an outcome of a digitalised work. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Burgstaller, Jessica (2020): The effects of oxytocin on self-related processing and cognition. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Arendt, Johannes Friedrich Walter (2019): An empirical investigation of conflicting relational models as an antecedent of perceived (in)justice and (un)cooperative behavior at work. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Schwabe, Johannes (2019): Role-taking theory and its application to interpersonal conflicts. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Magraw-Mickelson, Zoe (2019): Theoretical and methodological challenges in cross-cultural social psychology research. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Schiebler, Tom (2019): Advancing theory of consumer satisfaction and word-of-mouth: product and service performance counts – but so do performance expectations. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion
Matthaei, Björn Dominik (2019): Tapping the power of employee perceptions: development and validation of a sound structural measurement model for employee surveys. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Denzin, Josefine (2017): Predictors of successful leadership development: What do follower proactivity, work engagement, and leader-member exchange quality (LMX-quality) in a blue-collar setting bring to the table. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Hänle, Martina (2012): Präimplantationsdiagnostik, ja oder nein?: Förderung einer informierten und gut begründeten Entscheidung im Bereich Medizinethik mit einer multimedialen Lernumgebung im Museum. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Wenz, Michael (2012): Erleben und Verhalten bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit Demenz in Konfliktsituationen: Zusammenhänge zwischen Ärgererleben, Ärgerreaktionen und weiteren Einflussfaktoren. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Kostolnik, Paul (2007): Weiterbildung an der Universität: Evaluation des Projekts PROFiL-TT am Institut für Psycholinguistik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Wuerz, Daniela (2007): Mental Simulation: an effective method to promote goal-directed behavior. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Michel-Peres, Dominique (2007): Understanding the identity choices of multiracial and multicultural Afro-European and Black women living in Germany: Identifying a model of strategies and resources for empowerment. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Spörrle, Matthias (2006): Irrational, rational, egal? – Empirische Untersuchungen zum Beitrag der Rational-Emotiven Verhaltenstherapie nach Albert Ellis für die psychologische Grundlagenforschung. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences