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Erstevaluation einer Online-Therapie der Emotionsregulation für Erwachsene mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung anhand subjektiver Erfahrungen und Indikatoren der psychischen Gesundheit
Erstevaluation einer Online-Therapie der Emotionsregulation für Erwachsene mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung anhand subjektiver Erfahrungen und Indikatoren der psychischen Gesundheit
The main objective of the following work is the initial evaluation of a newly developed online group therapy to improve emotion regulation in adults with autism spectrum disorder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first therapy of its kind in the German-speaking world. The guiding questions of the study were: "Does the intervention lead to a significant improvement in the areas of emotion regulation and mental health?” and “What role might the virtual setting and the COVID-19 pandemic play in the subjective therapy experience?". The acceptance and feasibility of the concept were also investigated. To answer the guiding questions and to evaluate the therapy concept, a randomized-controlled study was conducted in which the intervention group participated in eight virtual therapy sessions. Both qualitative and quantitative data were based on questionnaires as well as clinical assessments. The results of the quantitative analysis could indicate an improved ability to regulate emotions as well as a positive change in mental health after therapy participation. The intervention group showed significant changes in the categories alexithymia (TAS-20) and interpersonal emotion regulation (IERQ) as well as in global adaptive functioning (GAF). The qualitative analysis revealed that the fear of technical problems as well as the actual disconnection during the therapy sessions were the most relevant challenges of this intervention type. The main advantage of the virtual setting was highlighted as the elimination of travel associated with stress. The virtual setting does not appear to have had a negative impact on the effectiveness of the therapy. Overall, the results suggest that the new therapy concept may be effective. However, due to a limited sample size and low statistical power, the results to date must be regarded as preliminary. Further therapy runs to obtain a larger number of participants as well as for final evaluation of the results are currently being conducted. The present study offers exploratory and hypothesis generating basics, but further confirmatory studies are necessary.
Autismus-Spektrum-Störung, Telemedizin, Onlinetherapie, Emotionsregulation, COVID-19-Pandemie
Jani, Julia Catharina
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Jani, Julia Catharina (2025): Erstevaluation einer Online-Therapie der Emotionsregulation für Erwachsene mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung anhand subjektiver Erfahrungen und Indikatoren der psychischen Gesundheit. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät
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The main objective of the following work is the initial evaluation of a newly developed online group therapy to improve emotion regulation in adults with autism spectrum disorder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first therapy of its kind in the German-speaking world. The guiding questions of the study were: "Does the intervention lead to a significant improvement in the areas of emotion regulation and mental health?” and “What role might the virtual setting and the COVID-19 pandemic play in the subjective therapy experience?". The acceptance and feasibility of the concept were also investigated. To answer the guiding questions and to evaluate the therapy concept, a randomized-controlled study was conducted in which the intervention group participated in eight virtual therapy sessions. Both qualitative and quantitative data were based on questionnaires as well as clinical assessments. The results of the quantitative analysis could indicate an improved ability to regulate emotions as well as a positive change in mental health after therapy participation. The intervention group showed significant changes in the categories alexithymia (TAS-20) and interpersonal emotion regulation (IERQ) as well as in global adaptive functioning (GAF). The qualitative analysis revealed that the fear of technical problems as well as the actual disconnection during the therapy sessions were the most relevant challenges of this intervention type. The main advantage of the virtual setting was highlighted as the elimination of travel associated with stress. The virtual setting does not appear to have had a negative impact on the effectiveness of the therapy. Overall, the results suggest that the new therapy concept may be effective. However, due to a limited sample size and low statistical power, the results to date must be regarded as preliminary. Further therapy runs to obtain a larger number of participants as well as for final evaluation of the results are currently being conducted. The present study offers exploratory and hypothesis generating basics, but further confirmatory studies are necessary.