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Topical delivery of alpha1-Antichymotrypsin for wound healing
Topical delivery of alpha1-Antichymotrypsin for wound healing
The work is introduced by reviews of wound healing and protein delivery using hydrogel carriers. In the following, the formulation studies of alpha1-Antichymotrypsin (ACT) are outlined starting with solution carriers. The latter are followed by formulation studies in hydrogels and dry gel forms, i.e. xerogels prepared by freeze-drying and films gained from air drying of hydrogels. All carriers are investigated upon their stabilizing activity on the protein drug also for mid term shelf life, their suitability for the use as wound dressings mainly from mechanical point of view, and their release behaviour especially for ACT. As a result, xerogel and film formulations are presented that match all requirements for such a product.
protein delivery, Antichymotrypsin, hydrogel, wound healing, texture analysis
Schmidt, Roland
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Schmidt, Roland (2005): Topical delivery of alpha1-Antichymotrypsin for wound healing. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
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The work is introduced by reviews of wound healing and protein delivery using hydrogel carriers. In the following, the formulation studies of alpha1-Antichymotrypsin (ACT) are outlined starting with solution carriers. The latter are followed by formulation studies in hydrogels and dry gel forms, i.e. xerogels prepared by freeze-drying and films gained from air drying of hydrogels. All carriers are investigated upon their stabilizing activity on the protein drug also for mid term shelf life, their suitability for the use as wound dressings mainly from mechanical point of view, and their release behaviour especially for ACT. As a result, xerogel and film formulations are presented that match all requirements for such a product.