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Effekte der Akupunktur auf die metabolisch induzierte Vasodilatation bei chronischen Rauchern - Untersuchung mittels Venenverschlussplethysmographie
Effekte der Akupunktur auf die metabolisch induzierte Vasodilatation bei chronischen Rauchern - Untersuchung mittels Venenverschlussplethysmographie
Background: Chronic smoking is the primary risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. The early adverse events of smoking are reflected by a functional impairment of vasomotor function known to precede and predict the formation of vascular lesion. We investigated the effects of acupuncture on flow mediated vasodilation (FMD) as a measure of vascular function in chronic smokers. Methods and Results: Otherwise healthy male chronic smokers (n=20) were compared with healthy volunteers (n=11). All patients received 5 sessions of systemic acupuncture over 3 weeks. FMD was determined by venous occlusion plethysmography. Soluble P-selectin, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and high sensitive CRP levels were measured on each visit. In chronic smokers FMD was impaired when compared to controls. In addition, plasma P-selectin and PAI-1 levels were found to be higher compared to controls. 5 consecutive acupuncture sessions significantly improved impaired FMD of forearm resistance vesselsin chronic smokers. This was associated with significant reduction of enhanced soluble P-selectin and plasma PAI-1 antigen levels. Conclusions: The results demonstrate for the first time that acupuncture improves impaired flow mediated vasodilation of the forearm vasculature in otherwise healthy chronic smokers. Acupuncture may be a therapeutic tool to restore flow mediated vasodilation in chronic smokers with impaired vascular function.
atherosclerosis, smoking, endothelial dysfunction, acupuncture, flow mediated vasodilatation
Silbereisen, Clemens
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Silbereisen, Clemens (2005): Effekte der Akupunktur auf die metabolisch induzierte Vasodilatation bei chronischen Rauchern - Untersuchung mittels Venenverschlussplethysmographie. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Medicine
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Background: Chronic smoking is the primary risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. The early adverse events of smoking are reflected by a functional impairment of vasomotor function known to precede and predict the formation of vascular lesion. We investigated the effects of acupuncture on flow mediated vasodilation (FMD) as a measure of vascular function in chronic smokers. Methods and Results: Otherwise healthy male chronic smokers (n=20) were compared with healthy volunteers (n=11). All patients received 5 sessions of systemic acupuncture over 3 weeks. FMD was determined by venous occlusion plethysmography. Soluble P-selectin, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and high sensitive CRP levels were measured on each visit. In chronic smokers FMD was impaired when compared to controls. In addition, plasma P-selectin and PAI-1 levels were found to be higher compared to controls. 5 consecutive acupuncture sessions significantly improved impaired FMD of forearm resistance vesselsin chronic smokers. This was associated with significant reduction of enhanced soluble P-selectin and plasma PAI-1 antigen levels. Conclusions: The results demonstrate for the first time that acupuncture improves impaired flow mediated vasodilation of the forearm vasculature in otherwise healthy chronic smokers. Acupuncture may be a therapeutic tool to restore flow mediated vasodilation in chronic smokers with impaired vascular function.