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Enabling researchers in low- and middle-income-countries to define their local health research agenda
Enabling researchers in low- and middle-income-countries to define their local health research agenda
The aim of the habilitation project is to enable local resources in LMICs to solve health problems by integrating health research and capacity development of experts and researchers. Is it possible to collaboratively discuss local issues, jointly generate adequate projects, and then implement them locally? Can high-quality scientific contributions be generated? Can local experts be empowered in such a way that they can independently advance health care and health research? For the applicant, the habilitation project therefore consists of two areas: capacity development projects (teaching and training) and research projects. The scientific papers cited for this habilitation are predominantly products of capacity development cooperation. The questions of sustainable empowerment are discussed in the section "Research Projects" on the basis of individual case studies, as the environmental conditions can vary greatly. At the same time, it is the aim of the applicant's activities to propagate the internationalisation of the KUM and the LMU Munich and to contribute to the positioning of the universities and sciences within the framework of the promotion of global health.
International Health, Global Health, Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Low- and Middle-Income-Countries
Fröschl, Günter
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fröschl, Günter (2021): Enabling researchers in low- and middle-income-countries to define their local health research agenda = Gesundheitsbedarfe in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Durchschnittseinkommen. Habilitationsschrift, LMU München: Faculty of Medicine
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The aim of the habilitation project is to enable local resources in LMICs to solve health problems by integrating health research and capacity development of experts and researchers. Is it possible to collaboratively discuss local issues, jointly generate adequate projects, and then implement them locally? Can high-quality scientific contributions be generated? Can local experts be empowered in such a way that they can independently advance health care and health research? For the applicant, the habilitation project therefore consists of two areas: capacity development projects (teaching and training) and research projects. The scientific papers cited for this habilitation are predominantly products of capacity development cooperation. The questions of sustainable empowerment are discussed in the section "Research Projects" on the basis of individual case studies, as the environmental conditions can vary greatly. At the same time, it is the aim of the applicant's activities to propagate the internationalisation of the KUM and the LMU Munich and to contribute to the positioning of the universities and sciences within the framework of the promotion of global health.