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Einflussfaktoren auf Transplantatüberleben und Transplantatfunktion nach Nierenlebendspende in Abhängigkeit der Sequenz Lebendspende-Kadaverspende versus Kadaverspende-Lebendspende
Einflussfaktoren auf Transplantatüberleben und Transplantatfunktion nach Nierenlebendspende in Abhängigkeit der Sequenz Lebendspende-Kadaverspende versus Kadaverspende-Lebendspende
Since allograft survival is limited after living-related kidney transplantation (LRKT), the necessity of re-transplantation following LRKT increases. Information using living-related- versus deceased donor allografts is sparse. The outcome after kidney re-transplantation in respect to second graft origin was investigated. Primary LR- (pLR, n=239), second LR- (sLR, n=26) or deceased donor following LR transplantations (sDD, n=11) were compared. Analyses included patient and graft survival, frequency of rejections, re-surgery, immunological risk and graft function. Acute rejections, HLA-mismatch and delayed graft function (DGF) and re-surgery influenced survival. Graft survival following re-transplantation of living-related and deceased donor grafts is not necessarily reduced compared to pLRKT. Differences in factors, impacting graft and patient survival, in particular defining immunological risk, were balanced in comparisons between the groups.
living related kidney transplant, secondary living related, primary living related, secondary deceased donor allograft, function, HLA, mismatch, transplantation
Baldauf, Benito-Jonas
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Baldauf, Benito-Jonas (2013): Einflussfaktoren auf Transplantatüberleben und Transplantatfunktion nach Nierenlebendspende in Abhängigkeit der Sequenz Lebendspende-Kadaverspende versus Kadaverspende-Lebendspende. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Medicine
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Since allograft survival is limited after living-related kidney transplantation (LRKT), the necessity of re-transplantation following LRKT increases. Information using living-related- versus deceased donor allografts is sparse. The outcome after kidney re-transplantation in respect to second graft origin was investigated. Primary LR- (pLR, n=239), second LR- (sLR, n=26) or deceased donor following LR transplantations (sDD, n=11) were compared. Analyses included patient and graft survival, frequency of rejections, re-surgery, immunological risk and graft function. Acute rejections, HLA-mismatch and delayed graft function (DGF) and re-surgery influenced survival. Graft survival following re-transplantation of living-related and deceased donor grafts is not necessarily reduced compared to pLRKT. Differences in factors, impacting graft and patient survival, in particular defining immunological risk, were balanced in comparisons between the groups.