Dang, Hoai Thi (2018): Vietnamese United States negotiations during the Vietnam War (1965-1968). Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Projer, Valentina Mercedes (2023): Foes or friends?: the media communication of Kennedy, Nixon, Obama, and Trump. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Brandon, Mark A. (2020): The racial world of Aleš Hrdlička. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Gammel, Katrin (2023): Die Wampanoag von Martha’s Vineyard: der Erhalt indigener Kultur und Gemeinschaft in Zeiten europäischer Kolonisation. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Liepold, Ann-Katrin (2017): Corn capital: how corn shaped the landscape, industry, and culture of Olivia, MN. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Torres Ruiz, Elena (2020): The invention of urban agriculture: crises and transformations in Detroit, 1893 - today. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
Bartl, Renate (2018): American tri-racials: African-Native contact, multi-ethnic Native American Nations, and the ethnogenesis of tri-racial groups in North America. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures