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Zuchtdaten zu Körpergewicht, Fruchtbarkeit und Aufzuchtleistung der Schleißheimer Mäusestämme zwischen 1990 und 2001
Zuchtdaten zu Körpergewicht, Fruchtbarkeit und Aufzuchtleistung der Schleißheimer Mäusestämme zwischen 1990 und 2001
The thesis describes data concerning body weight, fertility and rearing performance of the mouse strains of Schleißheim between 1990 and 2001. The following parameters where analysed: bodyweight of the dam at the age of 49 days and the day of parturition of her first litter; time between first mating and first litter, litter-weight at parturition and day 15; weight of the individual pup on day of parturition; number of young born alive and number of young weaned on day 21 as well as percentage of postnatal losses.
Mäuse, Inzucht, Zuchtgeschichte, CBA/J, Fruchtbarkeit
Belle, Marina Anna
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Belle, Marina Anna (2004): Zuchtdaten zu Körpergewicht, Fruchtbarkeit und Aufzuchtleistung der Schleißheimer Mäusestämme zwischen 1990 und 2001. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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The thesis describes data concerning body weight, fertility and rearing performance of the mouse strains of Schleißheim between 1990 and 2001. The following parameters where analysed: bodyweight of the dam at the age of 49 days and the day of parturition of her first litter; time between first mating and first litter, litter-weight at parturition and day 15; weight of the individual pup on day of parturition; number of young born alive and number of young weaned on day 21 as well as percentage of postnatal losses.