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Nachweis Kontrastmittel-markierter humaner hämatopoetischer Vorläuferzellen im Mausmodell mit der Magnetresonanztomographie
Nachweis Kontrastmittel-markierter humaner hämatopoetischer Vorläuferzellen im Mausmodell mit der Magnetresonanztomographie
The objective of this study was to monitor the in vivo distribution of the iron oxide and gadophrin labeled human hematopoetic progenitor cells in nude mice using MRI and optical imaging. Techniques for cell-labelling with MR contrast agents and subsequent in vivo depiction by imaging modalities were developed and optimized. Conclusion: The biodistribution of iron oxide as well as gadophrin labeled progenitor cells can be monitored with 1.5 tesla standard MRI-scanners in vivo. The distribution of the iron oxide labeled cells to the target organs liver, spleen and bone marrow was proven histologically. The biodistribution of gadophrin could be verified by optical imaging. The applied contrast agents could be useful for clinical applications in the future.
hematopoetic progenitor cells, MR contrast agents, iron oxide, gadophrin
Obermann, Sandra
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Obermann, Sandra (2004): Nachweis Kontrastmittel-markierter humaner hämatopoetischer Vorläuferzellen im Mausmodell mit der Magnetresonanztomographie. Dissertation, LMU München: Tierärztliche Fakultät
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The objective of this study was to monitor the in vivo distribution of the iron oxide and gadophrin labeled human hematopoetic progenitor cells in nude mice using MRI and optical imaging. Techniques for cell-labelling with MR contrast agents and subsequent in vivo depiction by imaging modalities were developed and optimized. Conclusion: The biodistribution of iron oxide as well as gadophrin labeled progenitor cells can be monitored with 1.5 tesla standard MRI-scanners in vivo. The distribution of the iron oxide labeled cells to the target organs liver, spleen and bone marrow was proven histologically. The biodistribution of gadophrin could be verified by optical imaging. The applied contrast agents could be useful for clinical applications in the future.