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Sensorimotor postural control in healthy and pathological stance and gait
Sensorimotor postural control in healthy and pathological stance and gait
Postural control during standing and walking is an inherently unstable task requiring the interaction of various biomechanical, sensory, and neurophysiological mechanisms to shape stable patterns of whole-body coordination that are able to counteract postural disequilibrium. This thesis focused on the examination of central aspects of the functional roles of these mechanisms and the modes of interaction between them. A further aim was to determine the conditions of dynamic stability for healthy standing and walking performance as well as for certain balance and gait disorders. By studying movement fluctuations in the walking pattern it could be demonstrated that dynamic stability during walking depends on gait speed and is differentially regulated for the medio-lateral and the fore-aft walking planes. Stability control in the fore-aft walking plane exhibits attractor dynamics typical for a dynamical system. Accordingly, the most stable pattern of movement coordination in terms of minimal fluctuations in the order parameter (i.e., the relative phase between the two oscillating legs) can be observed at the attractor of self-paced walking. Critical fluctuations occur at increasingly non-preferred speeds, indicating a loss of dynamic gait stability close to the speed boundaries of the walking mode. Moreover, stability control during slow walking is critically dependent on sensory feedback control, whereas dynamic stability during fast walking relies mainly on the smooth operation of cerebellar pacemaker regions. Disturbances of sensory and cerebellar locomotor control in certain gait disorders could be further linked to a loss of dynamic gait stability, in particular an increased risk of falls. Furthermore, this thesis examined alterations in the sensorimotor postural control scheme that may trigger the experience of subjective imbalance and vertigo in the conditions of phobic postural vertigo and visual height intolerance. Both conditions are characterized by an inadequate mode of balance regulation featuring increased levels of open-loop balance control and a precipitate integration of closed-loop sensory feedback into the postural control scheme. This inadequate balance control strategy is accompanied by a stiffening of the anti-gravity musculature and is elicited by specific influences of attention and sensory feedback control. The findings of this thesis contribute to the understanding of central sensorimotor mechanisms involved in the control of dynamic postural stability during standing and walking. They further provide relevant information for the differential diagnosis and fall risk estimation of certain balance and gait disorders.
gait, posture, variability, stability
Wühr, Max
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Wühr, Max (2014): Sensorimotor postural control in healthy and pathological stance and gait. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Biology
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Postural control during standing and walking is an inherently unstable task requiring the interaction of various biomechanical, sensory, and neurophysiological mechanisms to shape stable patterns of whole-body coordination that are able to counteract postural disequilibrium. This thesis focused on the examination of central aspects of the functional roles of these mechanisms and the modes of interaction between them. A further aim was to determine the conditions of dynamic stability for healthy standing and walking performance as well as for certain balance and gait disorders. By studying movement fluctuations in the walking pattern it could be demonstrated that dynamic stability during walking depends on gait speed and is differentially regulated for the medio-lateral and the fore-aft walking planes. Stability control in the fore-aft walking plane exhibits attractor dynamics typical for a dynamical system. Accordingly, the most stable pattern of movement coordination in terms of minimal fluctuations in the order parameter (i.e., the relative phase between the two oscillating legs) can be observed at the attractor of self-paced walking. Critical fluctuations occur at increasingly non-preferred speeds, indicating a loss of dynamic gait stability close to the speed boundaries of the walking mode. Moreover, stability control during slow walking is critically dependent on sensory feedback control, whereas dynamic stability during fast walking relies mainly on the smooth operation of cerebellar pacemaker regions. Disturbances of sensory and cerebellar locomotor control in certain gait disorders could be further linked to a loss of dynamic gait stability, in particular an increased risk of falls. Furthermore, this thesis examined alterations in the sensorimotor postural control scheme that may trigger the experience of subjective imbalance and vertigo in the conditions of phobic postural vertigo and visual height intolerance. Both conditions are characterized by an inadequate mode of balance regulation featuring increased levels of open-loop balance control and a precipitate integration of closed-loop sensory feedback into the postural control scheme. This inadequate balance control strategy is accompanied by a stiffening of the anti-gravity musculature and is elicited by specific influences of attention and sensory feedback control. The findings of this thesis contribute to the understanding of central sensorimotor mechanisms involved in the control of dynamic postural stability during standing and walking. They further provide relevant information for the differential diagnosis and fall risk estimation of certain balance and gait disorders.