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Denial of catholic funeral rites and irregular marriages in Igboland/Nigeria. A canonical-pastoral analysis of cc. 1176 and 1184 CIC
Denial of catholic funeral rites and irregular marriages in Igboland/Nigeria. A canonical-pastoral analysis of cc. 1176 and 1184 CIC
In Igboland (Nigeria), Catholic couples who at the time of death are living in irregular marriages, i.e. without observing the canonical form of marriage (Church marriage) which is binding on all Catholics - these people are denied ecclesiastical Funeral Rittes. And this is so irrespective of any amount of attachment or remorse the person or persons may have shown while living (in accordance with c. 1184 CIC). With the aid of the Code of Canon Law, the teachings of the magisterium, cultural as well as traditional arguments and relevant tools for the interpretation of Canon Law, the author has been able to prove and come to the conclusion that there is no legal, moral, liturgical or cultural justification for this denial. He calls on the Church authorites in Igboland to stop this practice which by the way is no longer practiced elsewhere in the universal Church so as to offer pastoral relief to bereaved families who look unto the Church for consolation at their time of grief.
Catholic Funeral Rites, Irregular Marriages, Igboland, Nigeria, Umuahia Diocese, Funeral Mass, Burial ceremonies in Igboland, Catholic Burial Laws in Owerri Ecclesiastical Province, Marriage and marriage ceremonies in Igboland, Traditional Marriage, Polygyny, Non-sacramental marriage, Canon Law, Right to Catholic Funeral Rites, Obligation to bury the dead, apostasy, heresy, schism, Public Sinners, Abrogation of c. 1240/1917, Sign of repentance, Guides to Interpretation, Salus animarum.
Eke, Mmaju
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Eke, Mmaju (2013): Denial of catholic funeral rites and irregular marriages in Igboland/Nigeria: A canonical-pastoral analysis of cc. 1176 and 1184 CIC. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Catholic Theology
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In Igboland (Nigeria), Catholic couples who at the time of death are living in irregular marriages, i.e. without observing the canonical form of marriage (Church marriage) which is binding on all Catholics - these people are denied ecclesiastical Funeral Rittes. And this is so irrespective of any amount of attachment or remorse the person or persons may have shown while living (in accordance with c. 1184 CIC). With the aid of the Code of Canon Law, the teachings of the magisterium, cultural as well as traditional arguments and relevant tools for the interpretation of Canon Law, the author has been able to prove and come to the conclusion that there is no legal, moral, liturgical or cultural justification for this denial. He calls on the Church authorites in Igboland to stop this practice which by the way is no longer practiced elsewhere in the universal Church so as to offer pastoral relief to bereaved families who look unto the Church for consolation at their time of grief.