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Einfluss nichtinfektiöser Faktoren auf die Inzidenz ausgewählter Erkrankungen bei Kälbern in den ersten sechs Lebenswochen
Einfluss nichtinfektiöser Faktoren auf die Inzidenz ausgewählter Erkrankungen bei Kälbern in den ersten sechs Lebenswochen
From September 2010 until April 2011, a field study including 519 calves from 36 farms serviced by a single veterinary practice in Upper Bavaria was performed, in order to determine the influence of non-infectious factors on the incidence of selected neonatal diseases. During the first two weeks after birth, the calves were examined clinically daily or every other day, and a blood sample was taken between 24 and 72 hours after birth. In addition, birth management and colostrum supply was documented in collaboration with the farmers using questionnaires. γ-GT-activity, total protein and albumin concentrations in serum were determined, and their correlation with colostrum supply was calculated.
calves, birth management, colostrum, omphalitis, diarrhea, pneumonia
Richter, Britta
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Richter, Britta (2014): Einfluss nichtinfektiöser Faktoren auf die Inzidenz ausgewählter Erkrankungen bei Kälbern in den ersten sechs Lebenswochen. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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From September 2010 until April 2011, a field study including 519 calves from 36 farms serviced by a single veterinary practice in Upper Bavaria was performed, in order to determine the influence of non-infectious factors on the incidence of selected neonatal diseases. During the first two weeks after birth, the calves were examined clinically daily or every other day, and a blood sample was taken between 24 and 72 hours after birth. In addition, birth management and colostrum supply was documented in collaboration with the farmers using questionnaires. γ-GT-activity, total protein and albumin concentrations in serum were determined, and their correlation with colostrum supply was calculated.