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Cognitive metaphors in political discourse in Malta and the case of EU-membership debate
Cognitive metaphors in political discourse in Malta and the case of EU-membership debate
The present thesis illustrates how metaphors can offer a glimpse into people’s worldviews; they can enable insights both into individuals’ and nation’s attitudes and beliefs. It is suggested, however, that in order to assure a greater validity of results a flexible methodological approach needs to be adopted, or, more precisely, a combination of methods is almost indispensable. A mixture of methods (corpus, sociocultural information gained from sociological studies and questionnaire) was applied in order to seek authentic ways of conceptualisation of the EU, but also ways of conceptualising of prevalent source domains in the EU debate.
Variation in Metaphor Use, Conceptual Metaphors, European Union, Cultural Linguistics
Petrica, Monica
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Petrica, Monica (2011): Cognitive metaphors in political discourse in Malta and the case of EU-membership debate. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty for Languages and Literatures
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The present thesis illustrates how metaphors can offer a glimpse into people’s worldviews; they can enable insights both into individuals’ and nation’s attitudes and beliefs. It is suggested, however, that in order to assure a greater validity of results a flexible methodological approach needs to be adopted, or, more precisely, a combination of methods is almost indispensable. A mixture of methods (corpus, sociocultural information gained from sociological studies and questionnaire) was applied in order to seek authentic ways of conceptualisation of the EU, but also ways of conceptualising of prevalent source domains in the EU debate.