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New Methods Visualizing Mesostructured Materials
New Methods Visualizing Mesostructured Materials
On the one hand this work intends to present new possibilities on how the combination of characterization methods can be used to gain information not available from the individual techniques. On the other hand discrete tomography - a relatively new method in materials science - is used to image real three-dimensional nano structures with a resolution of only a few nanometers. Visualization not only facilitates the interpretation of scientific results, but also aims at contributing to a better general understanding of nano technology.
mesoporous silica, thin films, electron tomography, single particle tracking, microscopy
Zürner, Andreas
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Zürner, Andreas (2011): New Methods Visualizing Mesostructured Materials. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
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On the one hand this work intends to present new possibilities on how the combination of characterization methods can be used to gain information not available from the individual techniques. On the other hand discrete tomography - a relatively new method in materials science - is used to image real three-dimensional nano structures with a resolution of only a few nanometers. Visualization not only facilitates the interpretation of scientific results, but also aims at contributing to a better general understanding of nano technology.