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Synchronization Inspired Data Mining
Synchronization Inspired Data Mining
Advances of modern technologies produce huge amounts of data in various fields, increasing the need for efficient and effective data mining tools to uncover the information contained implicitly in the data. This thesis mainly aims to propose innovative and solid algorithms for data mining from a novel perspective: synchronization. Synchronization is a prevalent phenomenon in nature that a group of events spontaneously come into co-occurrence with a common rhythm through mutual interactions. The mechanism of synchronization allows controlling of complex processes by simple operations based on interactions between objects. The first main part of this thesis focuses on developing the innovative algorithms for data mining. Inspired by the concept of synchronization, this thesis presents Sync (Clustering by Synchronization), a novel approach to clustering. In combination with the Minimum Description Length principle (MDL), it allows discovering the intrinsic clusters without any data distribution assumptions and parameters setting. In addition, relying on the dierent dynamic behaviors of objects during the process towards synchronization,the algorithm SOD (Synchronization-based Outlier Detection) is further proposed. The outlier objects can be naturally flagged by the denition of Local Synchronization Factor (LSF). To cure the curse of dimensionality in clustering,a subspace clustering algorithm ORSC is introduced which automatically detects clusters in subspaces of the original feature space. This approach proposes a weighted local interaction model to ensure all objects in a common cluster, which accommodate in arbitrarily oriented subspace, naturally move together. In order to reveal the underlying patterns in graphs, a graph partitioning approach RSGC (Robust Synchronization-based Graph Clustering) is presented. The key philosophy of RSGC is to consider graph clustering as a dynamic process towards synchronization. Inherited from the powerful concept of synchronization, RSGC shows several desirable properties that don't exist in other competitive methods. For all presented algorithms, their efficiency and eectiveness are thoroughly analyzed. The benets over traditional approaches are further demonstrated by evaluating them on synthetic as well as real-world data sets. Not only the theory research on novel data mining algorithms, the second main part of the thesis focuses on brain network analysis based on Diusion Tensor Images (DTI). A new framework for automated white matter tracts clustering is rst proposed to identify the meaningful ber bundles in the Human Brain by combining ideas from time series mining with density-based clustering. Subsequently, the enhancement and variation of this approach is discussed allowing for a more robust, efficient, or eective way to find hierarchies of ber bundles. Based on the structural connectivity network, an automated prediction framework is proposed to analyze and understand the abnormal patterns in patients of Alzheimer's Disease.
Synchronization, Data Mining
Shao, Junming
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Shao, Junming (2011): Synchronization Inspired Data Mining. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
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Advances of modern technologies produce huge amounts of data in various fields, increasing the need for efficient and effective data mining tools to uncover the information contained implicitly in the data. This thesis mainly aims to propose innovative and solid algorithms for data mining from a novel perspective: synchronization. Synchronization is a prevalent phenomenon in nature that a group of events spontaneously come into co-occurrence with a common rhythm through mutual interactions. The mechanism of synchronization allows controlling of complex processes by simple operations based on interactions between objects. The first main part of this thesis focuses on developing the innovative algorithms for data mining. Inspired by the concept of synchronization, this thesis presents Sync (Clustering by Synchronization), a novel approach to clustering. In combination with the Minimum Description Length principle (MDL), it allows discovering the intrinsic clusters without any data distribution assumptions and parameters setting. In addition, relying on the dierent dynamic behaviors of objects during the process towards synchronization,the algorithm SOD (Synchronization-based Outlier Detection) is further proposed. The outlier objects can be naturally flagged by the denition of Local Synchronization Factor (LSF). To cure the curse of dimensionality in clustering,a subspace clustering algorithm ORSC is introduced which automatically detects clusters in subspaces of the original feature space. This approach proposes a weighted local interaction model to ensure all objects in a common cluster, which accommodate in arbitrarily oriented subspace, naturally move together. In order to reveal the underlying patterns in graphs, a graph partitioning approach RSGC (Robust Synchronization-based Graph Clustering) is presented. The key philosophy of RSGC is to consider graph clustering as a dynamic process towards synchronization. Inherited from the powerful concept of synchronization, RSGC shows several desirable properties that don't exist in other competitive methods. For all presented algorithms, their efficiency and eectiveness are thoroughly analyzed. The benets over traditional approaches are further demonstrated by evaluating them on synthetic as well as real-world data sets. Not only the theory research on novel data mining algorithms, the second main part of the thesis focuses on brain network analysis based on Diusion Tensor Images (DTI). A new framework for automated white matter tracts clustering is rst proposed to identify the meaningful ber bundles in the Human Brain by combining ideas from time series mining with density-based clustering. Subsequently, the enhancement and variation of this approach is discussed allowing for a more robust, efficient, or eective way to find hierarchies of ber bundles. Based on the structural connectivity network, an automated prediction framework is proposed to analyze and understand the abnormal patterns in patients of Alzheimer's Disease.