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Interaction of intense laser pulses with overdense plasmas.. Theoretical and numerical study.
Interaction of intense laser pulses with overdense plasmas.. Theoretical and numerical study.
This thesis is devoted to theoretical studies of the interaction of intense laser pulses with solid-state targets. This area of laser physics is very active and fast growing as it might possess a number of useful applications in material science, physics, biology and medicine. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the generation of high-order harmonics on the vacuum-plasma interface due to the longitudinal oscillatory motion of the reflecting surface. This has a prospect of generation of trains or even single attosecond pulses that have much more intensity than those generated in atomic media. Before making this source an instrument for studying electron dynamics in condensed matter or for laser-vacuum interactions, one has to know how to control the important properties of the harmonic beam, namely its temporal and spatial structure. To pursue the answering of the question of control, analytical and numerical studies were performed. Most of the ideas are based on the shaping of the laser pulse (both in temporal and spatial domains) and of the target. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the studies of the generation of energetic ion beams. These beams can be used, for example, in cancer therapy, plasma radiography and isotope production. The studies of the influence of laser pulse ellipticity and target thickness on ion beam monoenergetic features and energy allows one to use the results of this thesis for optimization of future experiments.
relativistic laser-plasma interactions
Rykovanov, Sergey
Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Rykovanov, Sergey (2009): Interaction of intense laser pulses with overdense plasmas.: Theoretical and numerical study.. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Physics
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This thesis is devoted to theoretical studies of the interaction of intense laser pulses with solid-state targets. This area of laser physics is very active and fast growing as it might possess a number of useful applications in material science, physics, biology and medicine. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the generation of high-order harmonics on the vacuum-plasma interface due to the longitudinal oscillatory motion of the reflecting surface. This has a prospect of generation of trains or even single attosecond pulses that have much more intensity than those generated in atomic media. Before making this source an instrument for studying electron dynamics in condensed matter or for laser-vacuum interactions, one has to know how to control the important properties of the harmonic beam, namely its temporal and spatial structure. To pursue the answering of the question of control, analytical and numerical studies were performed. Most of the ideas are based on the shaping of the laser pulse (both in temporal and spatial domains) and of the target. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the studies of the generation of energetic ion beams. These beams can be used, for example, in cancer therapy, plasma radiography and isotope production. The studies of the influence of laser pulse ellipticity and target thickness on ion beam monoenergetic features and energy allows one to use the results of this thesis for optimization of future experiments.